Appeasing Teammates, Father and Grandpa

Wade had gotten so many benefits, and Luke had helped save his wife, but Wade still wasn't a 1-star teammate.

Luke could only silently make up his mind to find an opportunity to make Wade regret it.

Do you like money? Then I'll show you how much you'll lose if you don't kowtow to me.

As he thought about how to deal with the heartless Wade, he first visited Damon and Mindy as V.

These two were easy to deal with.

Damon had no objections at all to doing one less mission.

Luke had said before that it wasn't compulsory for the team to participate in most missions.

As for Mindy, she beamed when she heard that there was a new toy ready for use in the Bat Cave.

After dinner, they drank and chatted for an hour before Luke said goodbye.

Damon and Mindy were doing well.

However, Mindy shared three to five experience and credit points every now and then, which proved that this girl was still quite active.