Spreading Technology to Muddy the Waters

Luke had planned to use Mental Communication to confirm Claire's feelings for Stacy.

But given Claire and Mindy's scuffle, he could only put it off for now.

From what he saw during the training and dinner gathering, they really weren't just playing around.

The human mind had always been indiscernible. Nobody really understood everything about it.

After confirming that Claire and Stacy had no intention of messing around, he didn't want to intervene.

If he helped to arrange everything for Claire, would it be Claire's life or his?

But while he wouldn't interfere in her love life, Claire couldn't relax in other respects.

Claire and Stacy's training had to increase in order to prepare for any accidents that might happen in the future.

Although being a celebrity didn't add to her combat ability, it was a huge boost to Claire's mental development.