Godly Tongue

Luke's main target this time was a SHIELD branch in Shinjuku.

As a bridgehead against China, Japan had many American military bases.

SHIELD worked under the World Security Council, and China, as one of the five council members, also had supervisory rights.

But just like how SHIELD in America had nothing to do with China, SHIELD in China actually had nothing to do with America.

Japan, on the other hand, was on good terms with America, and both parties were on the same page.

Most of the lower-level agents here were still Japanese, but the middle and upper levels were basically Americans.

Because of Japan's geographical position and the distinctive upright nature of the Japanese, the American government specifically requested that Nick Fury not interfere too much with this branch's affairs.

More than half of the funding for the Japanese branch wasn't decided on by Nick Fury, but came from the government.