A "God" With Chicken Wings

After Luke killed Alessa's doppelganger, the monsters scattered.

Of course, Luke wouldn't let them go. He chased after them and blew them up.

These monsters didn't give him any experience or credit points, but this was another test since he wanted to confirm something.

In the end, he had only killed a few dozen of them, when an enormous pressure appeared out of thin air and sent him flying.

Luke stopped chasing the monsters and turned around to look at the church not far behind him.


There was a loud bang, and an enormous figure emerged from the church. "A soul full of murderous intent. How delicious."

Luke narrowed his eyes and fired.

Zi! Zi! Zi! Zi! Zi!

The gunfire hit the gigantic figure.

But the other figure didn't dodge, and simply stood up slowly.

The bullets hit its knee and shattered.