What's Working? I Need to Calm Down

Clearly, Luke knew more than the tycoon thought.

Relying on the clown to deal with Hydra members in SHIELD during this period of time, he was much better at using his abilities and equipment for interrogation than Tony was.

Luke nodded at the door. "We're done. You can go back and get ready now."

Tony was stunned. "You made me come all this way in the middle of the night just to tell me this?"

Luke said, "Of course. Who knows if Hydra is watching you?"

Tony was unable to reply.

Although it was a little late to have a chat, it was indeed very safe.

Downing the wine in his glass in one go, he got up and flipped his mask back down. "Next time, I'll wake you up in the middle of the night to pee."

Luke chuckled. "Sorry, I like working at night."

Tony cursed inwardly. The scoundrel really was just like a bat.