Raise Your Hands? No, Put Your Hands Down

The seven or eight SHIELD agents on the side looked at each other. Several of them had their hands on their guns, but no one dared to pull them out.

Who the hell knew what that brief but frightening fight had been about?

Even if this guy called B*tch or whatever was at odds with his comrades, that didn't mean that he was on SHIELD's side.

Also… why did this guy look like a lunatic?

This "B*tch" had blown up the heads of twelve people in less than two seconds.

None of the agents in the command room dared to compete with him in speed.

Although he was reloading, he still had a gun strapped to his other leg.

Just now, the man had said that he was best at quick draw.

These twelve Hydra members had actually only enjoyed the "rapid" part. The special agents didn't want to take over and enjoy the full package.

Besides, whoever took out their gun in the command center might be misunderstood.