Send Him to Heaven

A moment ago, Luke's eyes were still closed.

One of the two attackers who had just charged in lunged forward, ready to rescue Pierce. At the same time, he aimed a punch at Luke in the head.

While this surprise attack might be effective on Natasha, it was a pity it didn't work with Luke.

Even though he was currently focused on using Elementary Hypnosis and Illusion on Pierce, he was already used to triple-mode operation, and had plenty of room left to consider other things.

With only the two clones operating, he was far faster than his attacker.

Almost instantly, he punched out with his right hand.

The punch was very fast, but didn't contain a lot of force – it could be considered a backhand jab.

Only a master of physical techniques like Luke could perform such a strange yet smooth punch.

The assailant's fist met Luke's, and then his vision turned dark.

Luke's punch made contact first.