Goodbye, and Slipping Away to Go Traveling

Luke was too lazy to move, but Selina had slept enough and was bursting with energy.

She got up and poked Gold Nugget in the butt. "Bring Claire over."

Gold Nugget turned its head and looked at her as if to say, "What are you talking about?"

Selina pointed. "Go, Lassie."

Gold Nugget was lost for words.

Unfortunately, Selina simply stopped playing the show on her phone and took out a bottle of passionfruit juice from the mini-icebox to drink.

In the eyes of the dog head, however, Selina was clearly saying, "If you don't go, you won't get any."

Gold Nugget could only surrender.

It finally realized that Selina was letting herself go a little on this trip.

Rather than let her mess around with it, it was better to let someone else take its place.

Other people naturally couldn't bully the fiend's sister, but Selina could. After all, she was Claire's combat coach.