Different Fates for Different Hosts

The seven or eight passers-by who were playing around nearby looked at this lunatic in astonishment.

Eddie had jumped into an ornamental pond full of fish. Most of the fish were dumb and fat from being fed by visitors, and weren't vigilant at all.

Eddie's dive into the water scared them into swimming away.

But when he leaned against the edge of the pond, the stupid fish were drawn back by the breadcrumbs scattered by visitors.

Eddie's eyes suddenly lit up. He grabbed a fat red carp and bit into it.

After chewing twice, he sighed in satisfaction. "Hm, now this is fresh."

Anne, who had come over after explaining the situation to the waiter and paying for the pork chop that Eddie had taken a bite of, saw this gory scene, and exclaimed, "Eddie, what are you doing?"

The visitors on the side also had appalled expressions.

It wasn't that they sympathized with the fat carp. After all, it wasn't as adorable as a cat or dog.