Let's Go, Hellhound

By the time Luke and Selina were done packing, the three men and one woman had arrived.

After they got out of the cars, the four of them chatted and laughed for a while, before the men escorted the JK girl into the building.

At that moment, Luke and Selina were wearing wide lenses as they looked at everything on the virtual screen.

Selina was the first to express her opinion. "Those three guys are more normal. As for the girl… Is it because she's experienced? You know JK girls so well, tell me."

Luke didn't take the bait. He said calmly, "I think so too. The girl is very calm, but we can't rule out the possibility that it's because she's experienced."

Pausing for a moment, he then said, "But we might not have to wait too long to find out. Let's go. It'll be easier to take action if something happens."

But what happened next left them speechless.