Most Unusual Parasite

Luke nodded, then shook his head. "To be precise, Shinichi Izumi can now be considered half-human, half-Parasite. The good news is that he and his parasite, Migi, don't have the urge to eat people."

Phil was a little intrigued. "Why don't we catch him and send him to Tony's lab? It might not take long to get results."

This sort of unique type could very likely contain the secret key to the composition of the Parasite, so this proposal made sense.

Luke, however, shook his head and said, "There's no rush for now. His mother was possessed by a Parasite not long ago and almost killed him. The two parties have been fighting each other recently. I need him to lure out the Parasites that like to kill."

Phil frowned. "Can he handle it?"

Luke smiled. "Don't underestimate him. He's killed three of the other Parasites in the last three days."

Phil: "What?"