Mutual Plotting, Who Is the Ruler?

Bang! Crash!

The glass window exploded, and the salaryman charged in.

But all he saw was an empty bed. He couldn't help but be stunned.


A dark shadow flew over from outside the door and slashed at his neck.

The salaryman raised his hand, and his entire arm turned into a silver-gray blade. He easily blocked the attack and slashed back.

The shadow retreated back to the door.

The salaryman took two steps to the side and met Ryoko Tamiya's gaze.

"Who are you?" she suddenly asked.

The salaryman didn't answer immediately. Instead, he looked her up and down for a moment before he nodded. "You can call me Riot."

Ryoko Tamiya said, "You're not one of us."

The man who called himself Rot nodded calmly. "Part of this body belongs to one of your kind. It suits me."

Ryoko Tamiya's eyes flashed, and she swiftly typed on her phone behind her back with one hand.