Peaceful Days, and the Siblings' Daily Life

Luke ignored him. He knew Tony would definitely do that.

Tony knew that Luke knew he would do that.

That was an indispensable 'greeting' whenever they met.

Ever since Tony saw 'Bruce's' real face, he had gone from comparing looks to comparing technology.

Luke didn't care.

After Tony left, Luke would refresh the tycoon's abilities to see what this 'tech development machine's' recent research progress was like, which would give him a rough idea of what trick the tycoon had pulled.

Tony was a professional cheat, but Luke was a natural.

Letting Phil and Tony visit the base was just part of one of his objectives.

This was actually for the sake of setting up the bigshot's production base as a 'target' in a suitable location.

In the future, Luke would 'accidentally' reveal the existence of this base through other means. At that time, anyone who had an eye on the bigshot's resources would look for this base.