Stark, Are You Trying Something Again?

Wanda and Pietro's dynamics were quite interesting.

The person in charge was basically the little sister, Wanda, while Pietro… was devoted to protecting his sister?

He had been stabbed in the abdomen when he anxiously blocked a knife for his sister, even though he was one of the fastest men in the world.

In the port city before, Wanda had also been hit in the head with a taser arrow from Hawkeye. She had convulsed at the electric shock, and hadn't been able to complete the magnificent feat of taking down all the Avengers.

If Luke had the siblings' abilities, it would be impossible for something that ridiculous to happen.

Firstly, the siblings had only obtained the abilities three months ago, and weren't familiar with them.

Secondly, they lacked professional training, and were easily distracted on the battlefield.

For example, Daredevil Matt, who was also a superhuman, was able to hear almost everything in the Clinton area.