Hidden Damage, Idiot Forces

It was a very brief distortion, but Tony's eyes lit up as he watched.

Several seconds later, the corpse started to twist again, and it became more and more obvious.

Five seconds later, the body of the monster twisted up and suddenly disappeared, leaving behind a huge pit.

All kinds of construction wreckage and dirt flooded into the pit, creating more dust and noise.

Tony hurriedly looked at the surveillance data and couldn't help but curse.

That was because there had been no reaction, including for space and energy fluctuations; this meant that the equipment hadn't been able to detect anything at all.

Even Tony, who was used to big scenes, was astonished. As expected of Batman's butler!

Putting away such a huge monster corpse in an instant was simply insane.

At the same time, he had even more questions: This was a demonstration of strength, right?

This 'knight butler' currently had a lot of connections and resources.