The Young Man Has a Promising Future

Wait, I'm under arrest again? Scott's eyes widened. WTF!! What lunatic came up with this arrest spiel? Why can't I hire a lawyer? I'm going to file a complaint!

He had only been out of prison for a few months! Thinking that, Scott really wanted to die.

No, that wasn't it! How could this d*mn giant ant be a police officer?! Thoughts flashed through Scott's mind, and he couldn't help but ask, "Which unit are you from?"

The Trailblazer's dark eyes flashed slightly. "Pacific Detective Department!"

Scott: "…"

Dr. Pym: "…"

Hope: "…"

Scott couldn't help but ask, "Are you talking about the Hawaiian Police Department?"

The Trailblazer said, "That's within our jurisdiction."

Scott was a little uncertain. "Is this Pacific Detective Department a new special FBI department?"