Skye’s ‘Betrayal,’ Yet Another ‘God’

As the stranger was sent flying, blood flowed from his nose.

The shock wave just now was far beyond what his telekinesis could take. It was as if he had suddenly been hit in the head, and the dizziness and pain almost knocked him out.

Werner, who was still wearing a thin black coat in the middle of summer, rolled twice in the air. He grabbed the semi-conscious telekinesis man with his right hand and landed lightly.

Apart from a layer of dust on his face, he didn't look injured at all. Instead, there was interest in his eyes. "Not bad, it's an extremely outstanding ability. Come, accept your destiny and join us."

As he spoke, he aimed his left hand at the house, and a fine yellow mist shot out from the fingertips of his hand, as if it was alive.


Another shock wave shot out of the house and collided with the strange yellow mist.

The yellow mist was instantly torn apart, and most of it dissipated.