Harvest, Changing Tack

Some time in the next few days, Luke let Tony and Phil know that Werner had been caught, but that didn't mean that things were over.

On the contrary, the Avengers and New SHIELD agents had to go to several major cities and increase their search efforts.

From the information Luke obtained from the Inhumans, it was clear that Werner had sent several teams of two to three people to these cities.

One team was confirmed to be carrying purified Terrigan Crystals that could awaken Inhumans.

The remaining teams might also be carrying them, which was in line with Werner's goal of mass-producing awakened Inhumans.

Although Werner had been caught, the Inhumans controlled by the Hive parasites would still carry out his orders, so Luke couldn't let down his guard.

A small portion of the Terrigen Crystals came from Jiaying's stash.

The rest came from the alien metal block which Gordon had stolen. It was a container for the Terrigen Crystals.