Newbie and Bigshot, Wrapping Up the Show

Scott Lang, who had returned to his normal size, looked at Rhodes and waved. "Colonel, long time no see. You've gotten even more handsome."

Rhodes: …Just you wait.

At that moment, people gathered on both sides.

On the left was Team Stark, with Tony, Rhodes, Spidey, Natasha, T'Challa and Vision.

On the right was Team Steve, with Steve, Bucky, Sam, Clint, Scott, and a middle-aged black man, Michael Collins.

This Michael Collins was from… New SHIELD.

He had been used as a test subject, and Phil happened to save him. Later, he joined New SHIELD, and could be considered Phil's loyal subordinate.

Phil didn't directly intervene in the Avengers' internal conflict this time, but his actions made his stance clear.

Actually, this Death Soldier provided more symbolic than practical support.

Michael had removed his lethal weapons before he came, and Phil had told him not to get serious.