Mega Bigshot's Final Lesson

Only people in the same circle would hate each other.

And existences in the same circle as the Sorcerer Supreme could be a dark sorcerer or something similar, or on a broader level of consideration, dark magic or dark creatures.

So, was the Ancient One really injured this time, or was this a 'teaching demonstration'?

If it were anyone else, Luke would be 70 to 80% sure after watching the video.

But Strange was the disciple chosen by the Ancient One to inherit the title of Sorcerer Supreme.

It wouldn't be unusual for such a person to receive special treatment.

Luke's mind whirled. The Knight clone had already flown some distance from Wakanda, and Blink, the female Inhuman, opened a space portal from New York.

As Luke passed through the flickering purple ring, he mumbled to himself: Sure enough, products that aren't mass produced aren't up to scratch!