Extra Players Online, Main Actors Online

From that moment on, the battle seemed to heat up.

Thousands of fighter planes fought in the sky across hundreds of kilometers, and there were constant explosions.

Broken parts rained down from the air.

At that moment, in Wakanda's tech center, Shuri, Dr. Banner and Tony had sweat on their foreheads.

Shuri's hands moved quickly over a virtual screen, and she couldn't help but shout, "Hurry up, hurry up. There aren't enough signal boosters. We can only get about 1,200 fighter planes online."

Dr. Banner also worked quickly on a virtual screen. "The results of the interference test will take a while. I think it'll take 20 to 30 minutes to put together an anti-block program. It should improve performance by about 50%."

Tony said, "Don't worry, I'm already mobilizing the mini transducers. 10,000 will be deployed on the battlefield in batches; there'll be no problem remotely piloting 5,000 fighter planes."