Side Story: Party Experience 6

The clone calmly caught this 'heavy bomb' on its back and walked over. It nodded at Luke. "Thank you. My name is Chris Evans. Let's talk when we're free. How does that sound?"

Luke nodded with a smile. "Luke Coulson. If there's a chance, that won't be a problem."

His clone took out a card from its pocket and flicked it at Luke. "This is my number. I'm going to be busy for a bit, so I won't chat now."

Luke caught the card nimbly and waved goodbye. "Okay, good luck."

The clone waved back. "You too." Then, with Max on its back, it turned around and headed east along the coastline.

After the performance, the two women grew curious. "He's so handsome."

"His musculature isn't bad either."

"Hm, he doesn't seem any worse than Luke."

"Luke isn't as strong as he is. He's a little thinner. Ah~" Elena, who had made the outrageous remark, was carried back by Luke, and the blush that had faded earlier quickly returned to her face.