Side Story: Fantasy Journey 30

Inside the teleportation passage, Steppenwolf's gaze swept over the people who were beating up the Parademons, and he mumbled, "Once I retrieve the Mother Box, this planet will completely surrender."

Patting himself on the back mentally, he confidently ordered the Parademons not far away, "Blow up this place."

With that, he disappeared into the teleportation passage.

The Parademons looked at each other before they screamed and flew to the top of the tunnel. They plucked off the energy grenades at their waists, flicked off the safety, and pressed the trigger.

With a beep, the energy grenades exploded, lighting up the entire tunnel.

Everybody who was fighting the monsters couldn't help but raise their heads in surprise.

Barry swallowed. "What's up there?"

Master Wayne sighed. "Gotham Harbor."

Barry asked, "Isn't that connected to the ocean?"

Master Wayne wanted to roll his eyes. "Why are you so long-winded? Run."
