Side Story: Fantasy Journey 43

Swoosh! Thump!

As expected, Barry fell down for the 25th time on the new track.

Too lazy to get up, he yelled from the ground, "No, I can't run. It feels like I'm being tied down."

Luke didn't respond.

"Bale?" Barry turned around and saw Luke looking at his phone with a smile.

Barry found that odd. "What's wrong? Did something good happen for you?"

Luke put his phone away. "Not for me, for you."

Barry: "Me?"

Luke said, "Let's wait. Bruce will come back and tell you the good news himself."

Barry: ???

If I tell you the good news in advance, how will Master Wayne 'tempt' you? Luke murmured inwardly.

Ten minutes later, Master Wayne returned.

He walked over to a restless Barry and handed him a folder. "I was too busy a few days ago to make it. This is a small gift to welcome you to the team."

Barry was really surprised. "Ah, thank you. What is it?"