Chapter 0034 Little Minor Elf's Saliva



Down the corridor of the castle, a strange chirping could be heard. Liszt, who had planned to rest until noon before attending the banquet, pushed open his room door and saw, not far away, a little blue minor elf dancing around a pillar in the corridor.

A few maids were attending to the minor elf.

Seemingly noticing Liszt, the minor elf fluttered over in a swoosh, hovering about a meter in front of him. It curiously sized up Liszt with its big eyes, occasionally letting out a "chirp," with no indication of what it meant.

"Young Master Sun Liszt," a maid approached him and greeted respectfully.

Liszt asked, "What kind of minor elf is this?"

"It is a Thick-Leaf Grass Minor Elf, just turned three years old," replied a maid with a lovely face, who boldly took two glances at Liszt with her brown eyes.

There was an inexplicable spiciness in her gaze.