Chapter 0042: The First Seashore Foraging in Fresh Flower Town

"The tide is starting to recede, my lord," Thomas tugged at Douson, speaking to Liszt.

"Hand Douson over to me, and you, along with Tom and Jessie, go search for the seafood as I have instructed you," Liszt took the leash from Douson.

Douson kept trying to dash outward, chasing the waves.

Liszt suddenly shouted, "Quiet, Douson!"

Douson did not listen.

Liszt dismounted and stretched out his hand, pressing Douson into the sands, making it unable to move, and commanded loudly, "Douson, be quiet!"

"Woof woof..." Douson let out two confused barks, struggling in futility, and eventually lay down obediently.

Then Liszt slowly let go of his hand.

Douson tried to struggle and dash outward again.