Chapter 0048: Monkeys That Steal Coconuts


Ties, shirts, vests, undershirts, boxer shorts, suits, dress pants, gentleman's hats, leather shoes—Liszt had a whole series of clothes he wanted to produce.

But he couldn't be so innovative, after all, he was just a Baron from the countryside. If one day he became the ruler of a country, then he could freely reform and set trends.

For now, he had to endure the cumbersome outfits to maintain the so-called noble dignity.

"My lord, I have given the servants half a day off, starting tomorrow, they will devote themselves to working for the castle."

"Hmm, arrange it as you see fit."


Sweating profusely, Liszt wasn't too interested in small talk, "Mr. Carter, have someone prepare my bathwater, this kind of weather isn't too kind to people."

"As you wish," Carter hurried to instruct the maids to prepare the bathwater.