Chapter 0060: Gao Ertai's Psychological Struggle

"Li Si Te's actions are becoming more and more frequent, and there isn't a moment of rest throughout the day, Isaiah, I haven't had a good night's sleep for a week now."

Goltai, in the town's administrative housing, fanned himself vigorously with thick parchment to cool himself down: "I originally thought that coming to Fresh Flower Town would be an easy job, but it has nearly exhausted me."

"Clearly, officials without ambition are not what Li Si Te expects," Isaiah, busy with his fingers calculating this quarter's taxes and without looking up, said, "Goltai, you should make yourself more diligent, a comfortable life will erode a knight's fighting spirit."

"It seems that you've grown to like life in Fresh Flower Town just like Blair, I remember when you first arrived, you had endless complaints."