Chapter 0070: Cheers for Ice Cold Beer

Potassium nitrate dissolved in water absorbs a great amount of heat, which is the principle behind ice-making with saltpeter. Thanks to his past experience of reading novels, Liszt knew quite a bit of such common knowledge.

Moreover, he was aware that potassium nitrate could be reused.

"Saltpeter is a magical substance that dissolves in water and then chills the water until it freezes," Liszt directed the servants to pour the white powder into a basin of water.

Then, they watched the powder gradually dissolve.

Tom dipped his fingers into the water and cried out in amazement, "My lord, my lord, the water, the water has really cooled down, it's so cold!"

Goltai pushed Tom aside, curious yet hesitant, but eventually dipped his fingers into the water too, "It is indeed much cooler than before, Liszt. Is this a magician's doing? I once saw a magician proficient in ice magic who would make a fortune by creating large quantities of ice blocks during summer."