Chapter 0072: The Earl Visits Fresh Flower Town

The Earl's caravan appeared at Thorn Ridge around ten in the morning.

Learning from the last time when the caravan had reached close to the Castle before being noticed, the Patrol Team had been wandering on the road of Thorn Ridge early on.

By now, a large number of trees had been felled on both sides of the road.

The logs had not been removed yet; they were spread out on the ground, looking like a layer of flooring, undoubtedly providing great visibility for humans and reducing the risk of Magical Beast attacks. However, the job was not yet finished. The woodcutting was still underway, and Liszt was planning to set up two barricades to block the paths of the Magical Beasts.

Although wooden barricades have zero restraining effect on Magical Beasts, the beasts, still having the minds of wild animals, would most likely turn back upon encountering them rather than destroy them.

With the notification from the Patrol Team,