Chapter 0076: Three Merchants of the Town


By the time the caravan had left Fresh Flower Town, the castle had once again regained its tranquility, although there was a large pile of dishes, wine glasses, and the like that needed cleaning, and the small garden outside the castle had been trampled beyond recognition by the knights. But Carter could easily organize the servants to clean up at a leisurely pace.

The castle had fifteen servants, which was more than enough.

"Teacher Goltai, the festival will be over soon, and we need to pull ourselves out of the festive mood. The construction of the town must not stop; we must continue to expand the lumberjack team and the stone-breaking team, and the fence-building team, as well, and strive to open the passageway sooner."

Goltai was still savoring the moment, "As you wish."

He had been in his element at this banquet, engaging in lively conversation with the Earl, feeling a level of enjoyment he hadn't experienced in many years.