Chapter 0079: Crooked-neck Bob's Mistake

The trade caravan didn't return that evening, but waited until the following afternoon to make their way back to Fresh Flower Town.

Out of the six horse-drawn carts, two were filled with goods, while the other four carried Marcus, the Blair family members—six nags, all quite exhausted. Each pulling a cart alone seemed a bit too much of a burden.

"My lord!"

Marcus dismounted and bowed in greeting, with a large group of people quickly descending from the cart behind him.

"Teacher Marcus, if I remember correctly, you don't have that many family members, do you?" Liszt counted carefully; just Marcus's family alone amounted to 22 people.

"My two sisters and their families are also willing to follow me and settle in Fresh Flower Town," Marcus replied. "They live in poverty in Coral City, mainly because they have too many children. Even though I help them out often, it's still tough to provide for even basic needs."

Liszt nodded; he was always welcoming of more people.