Chapter 0091: The Unopenable Bottle

The Metal Bottle had a shape somewhat like those used for packaging high-end rice wine, distinctively different.

Its color was a golden yellow, close to the color of a Gold Coin, but a bit more toward brown. There were engraved patterns on it, with complex designs wrapping around some images. It looked like abstract depictions of the Sun and a large tree, along with bows, a type of harp, a bear, and an eagle in flight.

In general, this Metal Bottle was just like the exquisite art pieces Nobles loved to collect.

Clang, clang, clang.

He tapped his fingers on the Metal Bottle, producing a peculiar sound, not one that metal should make—more akin to the sound of plastic. But it was clearly observable that this brownish-yellow bottle was indeed made of metal; it had the tactile sensation you'd expect of metal.

"Teacher Goltai, what metal do you think this is?" Liszt shook the bottle.

It seemed to be empty inside, with no movement.