Chapter 0097: The Constant Failure of Flame Mushroom Cultivation

Before dawn the next day, the serfs from each hamlet were busy scooping up fermented manure from the cesspits. The serfs carried this manure toward the dairy farms.

The disbanded Lumberjack Team also regrouped and arrived early at the Thorn Cordyceps Shrubbery, escorted by the Knight Squad. Marcus, carrying a quiver of Falcon Feather Arrows, scoured the shrubbery to ensure no Magical Beasts lurked nearby, before turning to nod at Goltai.

"Sir, the area is secure," he said.

"Good," Goltai turned around and shouted at the serfs, "Focus and get to work! You've taken the Lord Landlord's copper coins, and anyone caught slacking off will be whipped to death by me! Remember, do not touch the Thorns; all other trees, without exception, must be cut down."

The serfs responded in unison.

Then they began to cut down trees.

They did not know why they were there to cut trees, but they followed the town officials' orders and also received a reward of two copper coins for a day's work.