Chapter 116: Dismantling One's Own Wooden Hut

Clip-clop, clip-clop.

Horse hooves crunched over the gravel path, the Li Dragon Horse arching its neck, its black mane fluttering in the wind.

This main road had been under construction for over two months, with an average of 180 civilian workers maintaining it daily, each paid a copper coin a day. Meaning, this road cost 180 copper coins every day, amounting to over ten thousand copper coins, roughly 1 Gold Coin in two months.

Sometimes, the cost of manpower is astonishingly cheap.

Rocks brought in from various places were smashed into pieces the size of fingernails, neatly spread over the ground, mixed with the sands from the East Coast, giving the whole road a clean and tidy appearance.

Without cement, stepping on gravel and sand, one would invariably get them unknowingly into their shoes.