Chapter 0144: Ivan's Numbing Journey




Frank pronounced the name, "Baron of Fresh Flower Town, the third child of the Earl, Sherry, you must remember him, as a child you always used to play following him around."

"Is it Brother Liszt? Of course, I remember." Sherry blinked, and a somewhat childish but handsome face emerged hazily in her mind.

Liszt had been very handsome since he was young.

However, she had left Coral Island to study at Bull Horn Academy for several years.

Due to inconvenient shipping, she didn't even return home during festivals, and her memories of Liszt had gradually faded. At that time, she wasn't of the age to be infatuated with the opposite sex, so naturally, she didn't retain a clear memory of any particular playmate.

"What do you think of Liszt?" Frank inquired.

Sherry shook her head, "Father, I've only met Liszt when he was twelve, a mere child. Now that he's an adult, I have no idea what he's turned into."

"Indeed, we should find an opportunity for you two to meet."