Chapter 0156: Chronicles of the Dragon Lance

"You mean these residues?" Granney poured the rock fragments in his hand onto the table, "They're just ordinary stone residues, devoid of any magic power."

"So, why is that?"

"Why don't the rocks formed by the agglomeration of magic power disappear?" Granney stirred the fragments on the table with his hand, "Your question is too broad, just like questioning how dragons can produce gemstones and metals, and why elves can cultivate plants, it concerns the essence of the world. I can only tell you my understanding."

"Please do."

"Spirit, material, magic power, they form a triangle."

"Of course, you've told me many times."

"It's not immutable, or rather, spirit and material can have a dual influence on magic power. Spirit can influence magic power into becoming material, and material can also affect magic power to generate spirit... Casters, with their own spirit, create magic, forming material; material combined with magic power, in turn, forms..."