Chapter 168: The Evil Scientist

"Master, Juan Fu has flown away."

"I know."

"You must be feeling quite upset right now."

"Of course, these damn magical beasts. Next time I catch one, I should just make soup out of it!" Liszt complained bitterly, "I fed it, gave it freedom, raised it for so long, and still couldn't tame it. It just flew away like that. It just goes to show that magical beasts and wild beasts are really not much different."

"Woof woof!" Douson in the doghouse lodged its protest.

After venting his frustration on Juan Fu, Liszt turned around; there was no sign of anger on his face. "Mr. Carter, has the Thorn Caravan not purchased the female mastiff yet?"

"According to Sherlock, we need to contact the Fresh Flower Caravan; North Valley City does not have a suitable female mastiff for Douson's... size," Carter said carefully, choosing his words.