Chapter 0189: This is the Li Dragon Horse Herd (Second Update)

Circling the island,

it turned out just as Kostor had speculated,

Black Horse Island is an irregularly shaped oval island.

There are no natural harbors for sheltering from the wind,

and the most suitable place for a seaport is the Rock Pier where they docked last night.

However, it is difficult to dock large ships there,

because the water is not deep enough for a medium-sized merchant ship like the Fresh Flower Vessel, it was a bit of a struggle.

When the sun began to release its heat,

everyone gradually ventured deeper into the hinterlands of Black Horse Island in search of the Li Dragon Horse Herd.

The island had few trees and the hills were not very steep, so the view was wide-open,

allowing clear visibility for great distances. Marcus used his monocular telescope all the way,

searching for traces of the herd without expending much effort, and soon found what he was looking for.

"My lord, this is horse dung, the Li Dragon Horse Herd is nearby!" he exclaimed excitedly,