Chapter 0201: The Fallen Fire Dragon (Fourth Update, Alliance Hierarch additional update 3/22)

Before Liszt transmigrated, he was quite obsessed with the American drama "Game of Thrones," which featured an impressively majestic architecture—the Wall.

With the help of Giants, humans built this wall spanning 300 miles long and 700 feet high made of ice and snow.

Initially very interested in the Wall, he looked up a lot of information and knew that the Wall's prototype was a cliff formed by basalt columns in the western part of Iceland. Thus, he learned about the grand spectacle of basalt columns that only nature could form.

Ireland's Giant's Causeway, America's Devil Tower, Scotland's Fingal's Cave, and the columnar jointing forest at Gaozi Mountain in Nanjing's Luhe are all typical basalt columns.

It's hard to believe that these neatly arranged columns originated from volcanic eruptions.