Chapter 0216: Face-to-Face Peeping (4th Update, Alliance Hierarch Extra 12/22)


The footprints continued to the castle entrance, then disappeared.

No one noticed this, not even the Retainer Knights patrolling around the castle in the heavy snow.

In the castle kitchen, Mrs. Abbie's voice was so loud that it could be heard even in the great hall. Butler Carter was wiping the fixtures and ornaments on the walls and shrugged when he heard the noise.

"She is always so rude, why can you tolerate her?" Thomas asked mockingly while arranging the hall's stools.

Carter didn't like Thomas, not only because Thomas disrespected his authority as the butler, but also because Thomas always enjoyed speaking ill of others. He replied gravely, "Because she is Mrs. Abbie, because the master loves the delicious food she makes, and so do the servants."

"I guess that's true, if she didn't have those cooking skills, she would have been fired by the master long ago."

"Not necessarily, the master is a noble gentleman of kind quality, he would offer Mrs. Abbie a new position."