Chapter 0222 Have you heard of the Dragon Wraith? (Fifth update, Alliance Hierarch additional update 16/22)


The strategy of advancing when the enemy retreats is that when you have the moral high ground and the other person doesn't, you can make a fuss—of course, to a certain extent, otherwise if the other party gets annoyed, they might just strike.

"If I have offended you, Baron, I apologize," Swann's expression was concealed by the mask, unclear, but her eyes were somewhat evasive and unable to make direct eye contact with Liszt, "but I must take my sister with me, if I'm not mistaken, you do not oppose family reunions."

"Do you really have a sister who was sold to Fresh Flower Town, or did you come here with bad intentions?" Liszt sensed the right moment to offer an out.

Swann took the opportunity: "Do you really think I would come to such a remote town on such a remote island in such a remote island country with bad intentions?"

Liszt pointed to several restrooms on the training ground: "Let's talk in the restroom."