Chapter 0224: Sacrificing the Evil Dragon's Black Dragon Childe (Second Update)

The fifteen-year-old girl wanted to learn magic, but magicians were hard to come by. When she finally inquired about a magician's secluded address after much investigation,

the magician asked her if she had any money; of course, she had none.

So, the magician refused and said, "If you have no money, what magic are you trying to learn? Scram!"

Paris was not discouraged; she continued to search for a magician. After being rejected by three magicians, she finally succeeded in becoming an apprentice to a female magician. However, this female magician used her as a lab rat, and after enduring the unbearable pain of a "pain deprivation" magic experiment, she fled.

She left with injuries all over her body, having learned no magic.

Hunger and cold pressed upon her; she also fell ill and nearly died, but then she was saved by a group of thieves living in the sewers, and she became a thief herself.

She thought she could only survive in filth as one of the rats, stealing to live.