Chapter 0236: Advanced Magical Beast Thousand-Eyed Wolf Spider (Fourth Update, 10,000 Coins Reward Celebration)

This chapter is a "Purple Dazzling Wings" bonus update for 10,000 rewards.


The magic power of Magical Beasts comes half from their body's refinement and half from absorbing from the environment. Intermediate Magical Beasts, compared to Low-Level Magical Beasts, naturally absorb free magic power from the surroundings much faster.

This is a very subtle absorption, which Liszt could not discern with his Eye of Magic, but the Earl, as a Sky Knight, could clearly feel it.

Therefore, he asserted that Dorson had reached the standard of an Intermediate Magical Beast.

As for the degree of blood boiling, it is a criterion based on the blood differences and auxiliary characteristics of the same species. Here, the same species can be considered as a lineage of evolution, such as ordinary dogs, Fierce Earth Dogs, and Dorson. Among the same species, there is a clear difference between the bloodlines of powerful Magical Beasts and those of weaker ones.