Chapter 0238: Extravagant Performance (First Update)

The banquet was not grand; it consisted of the Earl summoning the officials of Coral Island while Levis invited his subordinates to gather and chat.

After the banquet, Liszt found an opportunity and went with Levis into his study.

"Brother, how are your skills at tasting spirits?" Liszt took a bottle filled with Primeval Floral Brew from the servant's hand, unscrewed the cap, poured a glass and pushed it in front of Levis, "Try this spirit and give me an evaluation."

"I'm quite good at evaluating liquor, hmm, what kind of spirits is this, and where did you get it?" He picked up the glass, sniffed it, "It tastes awful, there's a rancid smell, it looks like inferior spirits. The diluted spirits I drank during the war in Eagle Kingdom were better than this!"

Having said that, he put the glass to his lips and sipped just a bit, "It's sour, lacks strength, this liquor is really poor quality."

He put down the glass and said no more; his meaning was clear without words.