Chapter 0243: Goose Feathers Sent Thousand Miles (Third update, bonus for 2400 subscriptions)

The Earth Matron's status in Fresh Flower Town could be described as pitiful. Ever since she was captured, she had not only been used as Douson's breeding machine but had also been confined to a secret room. Her ferocity had long been worn away, leaving only subservience.

This was the destruction of life, the erasure of nature.

If there were animal protection organizations on the island, Liszt would definitely be nailed to the pillar of shame, subjected to the spitting and cursing of thousands. Unfortunately, there were none on the island, and humans had no sympathy for Magical Beasts—weren't Magical Beasts born to be killed for their meat and to earn humans Gold Coins?

The snow was thick in Dog Prison these days; no one had come to clean it.

Although it was true that the Earth Matron no longer released magic, having almost forgotten the existence of Rock Spike, to ordinary people, she was still a huge threat.