Chapter 0253: A Bit of Trivial Work (Third Update, Bonus for 200 Monthly Votes)

The Ghost Ship was like a fleeting illusion, here one moment and gone the next. Aside from Liszt and Douson, no one knew what had transpired aboard the Ghost Ship.

Only the bodies on the deck silently told the tale of the recent horrific encounter.

The sailors who had survived the ordeal, along with the Retainer Knights, began to clear away the bodies of the deceased. The sudden appearance of the Ghost Ship had claimed the lives of twenty-three people—sailors, retainers, and servants alike—with many more injured. Fortunately, none of the four nobles on board had been harmed.

Whether Captain Layden lived or died didn't matter, but nothing could happen to the Liszt siblings. Should an incident occur, not only would Marquis Merlin be enraged, but Li Weiliam would be as well.

And then, more than just a few people would die.

"Liszt, what do you think?"

Levis's voice pulled Liszt back from his trance.