Chapter 0271: Dulu Miqita's Pursuit (Third Update, 2200 Monthly Votes Additional)

Another round of grandiose sweet nothings.

The shivering siren finally relaxed again, but she still hesitated for a good while, not until almost dawn did she make a sound.

If it wasn't for Liszt constantly observing her with the Eye of Magic, he might not have known she had spoken.

"You... hello..."

The voice was extremely soft.

But it was very pleasant and lively, as if just listening to this voice could dispel all troubles and leave only a good mood. Liszt felt this way too, instantly cheered up: "Hello, my name is Liszt Tulip, what's yours?"

It took a while for the siren to speak again: "Tanaxistie Ulapapni Selaino Liukateya Forekus Buniseis... Cassandra Akerloydes."


Liszt almost couldn't hold back, the siren's name was a good hundred letters long, and particularly tricky to pronounce. It made his head spin, and he didn't remember a thing.

He only remembered the last name, which seemed to be Akerloydes.