Chapter 0274: The New Residents of the Castle (Second Update)

Upon waking up, they had already arrived at Fresh Flower Port.

Stirred by the noise of the Fresh Flower Vessel docking, Sea Sprite Ake woke up from her shell, stretched lazily, and then quietly cracked open a slit, "Li Si Te, have we arrived?"

"We have. I will take you to visit my castle first."

"Castle... The place where landlords live... I've heard of it, with many princes and princesses dwelling in the castles, and there's beautiful... love."

Hearing that Li Si Te would take her to the castle, Ake felt somewhat uneasy but also filled with excited anticipation, wondering about the stories of castles she had heard in the past. Perhaps they were the beloved fantasies of commoners, filled with the poignant and elegiac, emotive love stories between princes and princesses.

"There are no princes or princesses in my castle, only myself as the landlord, the male and female servants, and many Elf Bugs and the mischievous Thorn Minor Elf Jela."