In the mind of Light Green Gem Dragon Ethan, a faint silhouette of Liszt had formed, and the branding was gradually taking shape.
However, in the mind of Formless Dragon Bard, no mind branding had yet appeared; likewise, Fire Dragon Leo, the one with whom bonding had taken the longest, also had no branding. Perhaps it would be the most difficult dragon to develop a mind brand with, as the breeding of malevolent thoughts would always destroy Liszt's influence over it.
Basically, once a month Liszt would cleave through Leo's mind, filtering out malevolent thoughts and leaving behind only the pure, original intentions.
"If I wish to explore the world, taking Leo would be most suitable, its combat capability is the most powerful… However, Formless Dragon Bard would also be quite fitting."
Sometimes, he would struggle with the decision of who to choose as his ultimate mount.
Luckily, there was still plenty of time before he had to make that choice.